Self Evaluation

The Catholic Schools Inspectorate provides an opportunity for the school to reflect, self-value and celebrate our mission as a school. The framework supports the school in identifying strengths as well as areas to further develop and improve. 

Saint Joseph's values the input from all stakeholders during the process of self evaluation to accurately reflect the effectiveness of the school.

The framework has three areas:

Catholic life and mission 

Religious Education 

Collective worship 

Catholic life and mission

At Saint Joseph's we are happy to welcome each child as loved by God. 

Our relationships are based on the belief that everyone is special and we can all be kind and loving. We make a space in our hearts for forgiveness. 


As a school, we tell God's message of hope. We promise to live as a caring, sharing and loving school family. 


Religious Education

We listen to God's word and share the good news about Jesus.

Collective worship

Together, we place prayer and worship at the heart of our school day.