Our school SENDCO is Mr Sutcliffe. He can be contacted within school via the admin email address: admin@stjosephs.romerocat.com or by telephone on 01706 812948. 
Please find below links to the following documents:
St-Joseph's RC Academy SEND Information report - This document details the types of SEND and how we provide for them here at school:
The St-Joseph's RC Academy SEND Policy details our statutory duties for children with SEND:


To visit the Calderdale local offer website click below:


Further advice on SEND can be found at the two following web sites:
For independent advice and support with SEND you can visit the Calderdale SEND Support and Advice Service here:
For independent help on SEND needs and advice visit SOS!SEN:
For news, info, resources & informed opinion about Special Educational Needs, disability, mental health and children's health, especially rare conditions visit: