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Early Years

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Welcome to Our Early Years Class Page

                                                                              The EYFS Team....

                                                                        Mrs. Bell - Class teacher

                                                                     Mrs Herd - Teaching Assistant

                                                                     Mrs Watkins - Teaching Assistant


                     Below you will find useful information, ideas and class watch this space!

Early Years Curriculum Intent



                                                       This half-term we are learning about..... 

                                                                          Down at the Farm

In Beech class this half-term we will look at how we can be independent and will continue to work on our communication and language skills. Throughout the half-term we are exploring  'Down at the farm.' We will be looking at what jobs happen on a farm and how they help us in our community. We will also look at the life cycle of the butterfly. As always, we will also be exploring the children's interests in developing our vocabulary.

                            We can't wait to be super busy learners and complete all the learning challenges! 

                            Our class texts this half-term will be:




RE this half-term....               Pentecost - Serving

Explore -  That everyone has Good News to Share

Reveal - Pentecost: the celebration of the Good News of Jesus 

Respond - Remembering, celebrating and responding to the understanding that everyone has Good News and that Pentecost is the celebration of the Good News of Jesus.

Forest School 

This will take place on a Thursday morning. Please make sure your child has forest school kit with them, e.g. in warm winter clothes, hats and gloves.


Parent notice

Outside our EYFS classrooms, you will see a noticeboard which will explain our topic for this half-term and different activities which you can complete at home with your child relating to our topic. It also gives you the opportunity to take a piece of paper and write down information you would like to pass on to the class teacher.  This might be a 'WOW' moment from home that your child is proud of.

We want to work together to support your children.

Reminders : Please read with your children every day. Children should bring their reading books and book bags to school every day. Children need to share information in school with their names every day, wellies that stay in school all year and a PE Kit. 

PE will be on WEDNESDAY!


Eureka Class Trip - We went on a train to visit Eureka. In Eureka we explored lots of different people who help e.g. dentist, doctors, shop workers. We also explored our sense and how they help us.


Police and Fire service visit - Recently we have had the local services into visit. They explained to us how they keep us safe. The fire service explained to how they have help if there is a fire or someone has had a crash or if people are stuck in water. The Police explained the importance of the police being around to help us and they are there to talk to. 


Chinese New Year - We looked at how people celebrate Chinese New Year. We found out it was the year of the Dragon and created our own class dragon to have a parade with. We also tried prawn crackers and fortune cookies. We discussed what people wear, receive and how they celebrate. Finally, we looked at year of the Chinese calendar we were born to find out what animal we were.

Visit to Lapland day - As a class we created passports and role played the journey to Lapland, Finland by following a map on a plane. When we got off the plane we explored how people lived in Lapland and compare it to how we live in Todmorden. 

Our Christmas Nativity - Magical Christmas Journey - St Josephs is super proud of Beech Class as they performed 3 times to large audiences during our school nativity. We had the role of being stars. 

Bus Trip to Gordon Riggs - We experienced a form of transport by catching a bus. We went on the bus to Gordon Riggs garden center and explore how they prepared to celebrate Christmas. As well as, buying a decoration for the classroom.


We had a great time inviting our parents into our classroom to show them where we do our learning.


 Autumn walk to Todmorden park - We looked at the local area as we walked down the street. When we got the park we went in the forest and listen to the sound of the rain on the trees. We found different colour leaves and looked at the trees. When we got back to school we created a leaf man with our signs of Autumn. 

Together in prayer

Please follow the link below to access the new starter booklet for parents. This booklet is full of useful information regarding your child`s education in  EYFS at St Joseph`s. New Starter Booklet