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Faith and Art

During a visit from Father Peter Tierney, the children shared their enjoyment of art in RE lessons and worship. Following this visit, the RE Lead and Art Lead met to ensure we could build on the interest of the children and develop opportunities to explore our faith through art.

For example, some of the children read about the life of Saint Josephine Bakhita. Through art, the children reflected on her experience as a slave and then with the Canossian Daughters of Charity. The children focused particularly on her emotions and how they could display these through her eyes and lips. 

“The Lord has loved me so much: we must love everyone, we must be compassionate.”

An example of a stained glass window created by a child: 

The RE Lead and Art Lead run an after school club called Faith and Art. We have explored different aspects of our faith and worked with different mediums. For example, we have completed some mosaics after reflecting on the apse mosaic of San Clemente. We have looked at the symbolism and meaning of early Christian symbols and worked with clay. 

We have visited Manchester Art Gallery to explore the religious art on display, and we visited Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel touring exhibition. We are looking forward to planning another trip soon. 

Some of the older children have used art to reflect on pieces of Scripture. The children have used a similar structure to Lectio Divina. 

Please click on the link below to view some examples:

 Lectio Divina with Art