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Season of Creation

During the Season of Creation, we have spent time reflecting on our relationship with our common home. We have discussed the following questions: 

When God looks at Creation today, do you think he will be pleased?

How can we be faithful stewards of Creation?

Why do you think God created such a variety of life?

What would the world look like if we treated the environment as God's gift to everyone?

Please see the images below to see some of the responses from our class: 

Noah Day

The Pupil Chaplains helped shared the story of Noah and guide the class through discussion and reflection on how we can show a greater care for creation. 

We reflected on and discussed the following questions: 

How does God show love for creation?

How do we care for God’s creation?

What can you learn from the story of Noah?

What promises did God make to creation?

Can you see a connection between Noah and Jesus?

Do you think it was fair that God flooded the world?

If God were to send a message today, who would he send it to? How would he send it?

Please see the images below to see some of the responses from our class: 

The Beatitude Stations of the Cross

We have been reflecting on the Beatitudes during our RE lessons. Some of the Pupil Chaplains lead a Stations of the Cross reflection, which used the Beatitudes as a way to explore the Passion of Jesus. To help guide our reflection we used some art by Jane Quail. 

The Art by Jane Quail

We also listened to this song:

Questions of Meaning (Big Questions)

We have discussed and reflected on a variety of questions throughout our first topic in RE, God who never stops loving:

What does the word family mean to you?

Who loves and cares for you?

Does love last forever forever or does it have limits?

Do you have to earn love?

How can I love people I don't like?

What does it mean to see everyone as our brothers and sisters?

Which is more difficult: to ask for forgiveness or to forgive?

National Poetry Day

On National Poetry Day, we explored poems from the book The Lost Words. We then reflected on goldfinches and the connection between this special bird and our faith. The children then composed their own poems:

Blessed Carlo Acutis

On the feast day of Blessed Carlo Acutis, we spent time reflecting on his life. We all agreed he provides a wonderful example of what it means to follow in the footsteps of Jesus. 

We reflected on the following questions: 

In what ways can we imitate the young spiritual life of Carlo?

How can we use technology to share the good news about Jesus Christ with others?

"To be always close to Jesus that is my life plan."


To help develop our understanding of the Beatitudes we have been reading Beatitudes by Jared Dees. The children have also wrote their own fables both in school and at home to explore the meaning of the Beatitudes.