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School Uniform

At St. Joseph's we believe that school uniform is important; not only does it contribute to our sense of belonging together as a school family, it also means we look smart and instils a sense of pride in our school.  We ask that all children wear our uniform.

Our uniform consists of:

Uniform A:

A Navy v-neck jumper to include the school logo

A white shirt and school tie

Grey trousers or grey shorts with dark grey or black socks

Black School Shoes

PE Kits:

Navy Shorts (available with logo option)

Plain white TShirt (available with logo option)

Optional: Navy Hoodie with school logo

Children should work in bare feet for gymnastics and dance in the Hall.

Trainers for outside


Uniform B:

A Navy v-neck jumper or cardigan to include the school logo

A white shirt and school tie

A grey skirt with white, grey or navy socks or plain navy tights

Black School Shoes

Navy, white or grey hair bobbles, ribbons and clips.

PE Kits:

Navy Shorts (available with logo) or navy leggings (available with logo)

Plain white TShirt (available with logo)

Optional: Navy Hoodie with school logo

Children should work in bare feet for gymnastics and dance in the Hall.

Trainers for outside


Each child should also come to school in a warm, waterproof coat.


Only one pair of stud earrings can be worn and no other jewellery should be worn.

No make-up or nail varnish should be worn.

Hair accessories should be only those stated with Uniform B and hair should be a natural colour, not dyed.  Short hair should be cut not shaved and should not have 'tram lines' or patterns.


Parents are asked to ensure that all items of clothing are clearly labelled with their child's name. Lost items will be placed in the lost property box located at the back of the hall.


Uniform is available from the office during the year.  Please complete an order form and bring it to the office.


Second-hand uniform can also be purchased from the office and will be available to buy at various events throughout the year such as Coffee Mornings and Fairs.