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Whole school curriculum Intent

Our curriculum is inspired by the words of Saint Oscar Romero, ‘Aspire not to have more, but to be more’.

We aim to provide a Catholic Christian education, based on the life and teaching of Jesus Christ, in which the values of the Gospel underpin all aspects of school life.  We will provide an environment in which the dignity of each person as a child of God is recognised and developed; and promote the full potential of each child through our curriculum which develops spiritual, academic, social and emotional growth.

In designing our curriculum, we have provided opportunities for our children which are underpinned by three curriculum drivers;


  • Communication and Language

We want our pupils to become confident orators, speaking with confidence and fluency in a variety of situations.  We believe that helping our pupils find their voice is as important as them becoming avid readers or great writers and we will therefore work to broaden vocabulary and encourage talk in all areas of learning.

  • Understanding of the World

We believe our pupils need to aspire to things they have never encountered.  We will work to broaden their horizons of our world in order to nurture an interest and encourage a fearlessness of facing the new and the unknown. Our children need opportunities to experience the richness of our world and learn about sustainability and diversity, expanding their understanding of our wider world. We are passionate about our pupils developing a sense of adventure to experience the world and allow them to manage real risks.

  • Independence in thought and action

We believe it is vital to develop the independence of our pupils, encouraging self-belief and confidence that they can achieve on their own. Through this our pupils will develop a resilient attitude and a sense of responsibility for their own learning. We believe it is also important to foster our children’s natural curiosity and self-led initiative. We will give them opportunities to think critically and creatively, enabling them to become more independent in thought and action.


We celebrate a ‘knowledge-engaged’ approach to learning, ensuring essential aspects of subject knowledge are learnt, alongside life-long learning skills to enable children to become resilient and independent learners for the future.


We invite you to browse the individual subject pages for further information about curriculum and progression.

A link to the national curriculum can be found here