Pax Christi

St Joseph's are a member of Pax Christi and therefore part of a worldwide movement for peace.

The work of Pax Christi (the Peace of Christ) is based on the Gospel and inspired by faith. Their vision is of a world where people can live in peace, without fear of violence in any form. Pax Christi is rooted in Catholic Christianity but is open to all who share its values and work. 

Pax Christi works for:

Peace – based on justice.  A world where human rights are respected,basic needs are met and people feel safe and valued in their communities.

Reconciliation – a process which begins when people try to mend relationships – between individuals or whole countries after times of violence or dispute.

Nonviolence – a way of living and making choices that  respects others, challenges what is not fair or just, and offers alternatives to violence and war.

At the moment, we use resources from Pax Christi in the month of January to support and promote Peace Sunday.

Throughout the month of January, we completed a number of activities to promote peace including daily collective worship at lunch. 

We were very pleased to receive this card from the director of Pax Christi towards the end of the month of January. 

Prayer by Pope Francis

How I wish that all men and women of good will
would look to the Cross if only for a moment!
There, we can see God’s reply:
violence is not answered with violence,
death is not answered with the language of death.
In the silence of the Cross,
the uproar of weapons ceases
and the language of reconciliation, forgiveness,
dialogue, and peace is spoken.
