Catholic Schools Inspectorate (CSI) Inspection

Under Section 48 of the Education Act 2005 the Bishop has the right to inspect any Catholic school or college within his Diocese to evaluate the quality of Religious Education and the Catholic nature of the school.

In the Diocese of Salford these inspections are carried out on a cyclical basis by trained inspectors, the majority of whom are current diocesan serving headteachers.

The Framework which governs these inspections is the Catholic Schools Inspectorate (CSI) Framework for Review, Evaluation and Celebration of our Catholic schools in England and Wales. The Framework describes and exemplifies the expectation of provision of Catholic education in our schools and colleges and provides schools with a lens through which they can review and reflect upon their educational community as an authentic and distinctive institution. The Framework enables schools to celebrate their heritage and tradition of excellence in Catholic education at the service of the Church’s mission to the world. Copies of this Framework are in every school in the Diocese and can be obtained from the Department for Education by contacting the office.



St Joseph's RC Academy was most recently inspected on 23rd and 24th November 2022.  The inspection team founf the school to be Good overall with the following judgements:

Catholic Life and Mission  - Outstanding

Religious Education - Good

Collective Worship - Good.

The full CSI inspection report, including strengths and areas for development can be found by clicking on the link here.